Monday, April 7, 2008

Light and Shadow

In doing these rolls I was looking for a natural lighting from the sun. I felt that the using a lamp or the lighting from my room was too artificial. Into the streets in New York I saw as the sun shadowed the buildings and give a geometric shapes on the sidewalks. I liked to see how the sun moves across the sky. One hour it was on one side and in the next three hours it was on another. It was tricky finding a time to take pictures. I used the early mornings when the sun was rising and the late afternoon toward sunsets to take the pictures. There it was easier to take photos because that was the shadow I was looking for. I did not like this assignment as much because it was more looking for what time to take the picture then how to take the picture. In processing the photos was worse trying to get the filter just right. In the end my photos came out really good and I was proud of my work.

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